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The Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire

Constituted in Grimsby on 19th July, 1910
HRH The Duke of Connaught


Aslackby Preceptory No 718 - Double Installation

On Wednesday 19th June 2024, Aslackby Preceptory No 718 at Bourne took another important step on its young journey by conducting its first ever double Installation. Eminent Preceptor E Kt David Carter made Companions Bill Calder and Darren Maybury Knights of the Order. Aslackby Preceptory will not rest there, though, and will conduct its second and third double Installations in September and October!


Pictured L to R:
E Kt Adrian Moseley (Bill's Proposer), Kt Bill Calder, E Kt David Carter (EP), Kt Darren Maybury, Kt Tim Green (Darren's Proposer).

Lincolnshire pair make KT history for our Province

Lincolnshire Freemasons Adrian Moseley and Brian Connor are making history in Knights Templar. Adrian has passed the testing practical exam, taken at Mark Masons’ Hall, to become Lincolnshire’s first ever Instructing Preceptor of the King Edward VII Preceptory of Improvement. He’ll be followed by Brian Connor, who is working towards taking the exam later this year.


Adrian Moseley, left, <---------------- and ----------------> Brian Connor right,
are pictured at the Preceptory of Improvement’s Annual Dinner with its Chairman, the Great Marshal
Tim Wheeler.

Great Priory Meeting 2024
Wednesday 15th May

Three Lincolnshire Knights received honours from the Grand Master at this year's Great Priory meeting. Provincial Chancellor Derek Perkins was promoted to Past Great Registrar and becomes a Very Eminent Knight; Adrian Moseley received his Instructing Preceptor's Certificate; and Roger Burrell was elevated to the rank of Past Great Aide-de-Camp.


V E Kt Derek Perkins, E Kt Adrian Moseley and E Kt Roger Burrell

Pictured with, left, the Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneschal, Andrew Christopher Rainbow GCT are the two recipients of prestigious Instructing Preceptor certificates, Lincolnshire's E Kt Adrian Moseley, centre, and Kent's E Kt Ed Lines. The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master awarded the certificates during his Address.


Andrew Christopher Rainbow GCT, E Kt Adrian Moseley (Lincolnshire) and E Kt Ed Lines (Kent).

R E Provincial Prior Malcolm Bilton KCT
presents a 40 Years certificate.

On Tuesday 2nd April, to marked a special occasion for the Knights of the Carmelite Preceptory No 349 as one of their senior Knights, Eminent Knight George Fieldsend received a certificate from the R E Provincial Prior Malcolm Bilton KCT, commemorating 40 Years of distinguished service to the Order having been Installed in the Carmelite Preceptory No 349 on Tuesday 3rd March 1981.


R E Provincial Prior Malcolm Bilton KCT, E Kt George Fieldsend and the Provincial Sub-Prior V E Kt Michael Carter

Em. Kt. Gerald Forman, P.G. Herald,
Presents a gift to Temple Bruer Preceptory.

At a recent meeting of Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143, Em. Kt. Gerald Forman, P.G. Herald, presented a candle and candlestick to the Preceptory to replace the one ‘lost in transit’ when moving from the County Assembly Rooms some ten years ago. The lighted candle and candlestick will be a focal point at all Preceptory Festive Boards.

Em Kt. Bruce Goodman captured the occasion and kindly forwarded it for inclusion on the Lincolnshire KT website.


E Kt Gerald Forman, John Hudson (Eminent Preceptor) and The Provincial Prior, Malcolm Bilton K.C.T.

Provincial Prior presents 40 year Certificate
to E Kt John Bottomley PGtStB(VB).

At Temple Bruer Priory of Malta meeting on 11th January 2024, the Right Eminent Provincial Prior presented Eminent Knight John Morris Bottomley with his 40 year Certificate as a member of Knights Templar.

John was Initiated into Lodge of Harmony 220, Province of Lancashire, on 28th April 1976 and Raised on 26th March 1977. He was Exalted into Chapter of Harmony on 15th May 1978.

John was Installed as a Knight Templar in Earl of Lathom Preceptory No 440 on 15th September 1978 and Eminent Preceptor in 1988. His first Provincial appointment in Provincial Priory of Lancashire was Provincial Aide-De-Camp in 1991. He was rewarded by Great Priory for his services to Knights Templar in 2003 as P.Gt.Chamb and promoted to P.Gt.StB(VB) in 2016.

John is a retired Police Sergeant of Merseyside Constabulary. He moved to Lincolnshire in 2007. Married to Irene. 2 Daughters and 4 Grandchildren.

He is a Joining Member of Ermine Lodge 2351 and Ermine Chapter and joined Temple Bruer Preceptory 143 on 7th September 2021.

The Right Eminent Provincial Prior congratulated John on his very long service and dedication to Freemasonry in general and Knights Templar in particular. He commented that, from the date of his Installation as a Knight in 1978, the 40 year certificate should actually be a 45 year Certificate. However, he was delighted to present it and wished him many more happy years in our wonderful Christian Order.

John thanked R E Kt Bilton for his presentation and kind words and thanked the Knights of Temple Bruer Preceptory for their friendship.


E Kt John Bottomley PGtStB(VB) and The Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Malcolm Bilton K.C.T.

Further support for the Jerusalem Eye Hospital from Temple Bruer No.143

At the recent Regular and Installation meeting of Temple Bruer Preceptory No.143, E.Kt. John Hudson, the newly installed Preceptor, presented a £300 cheque for the Jerusalem Eye Hospital, to the Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Malcolm Bilton KCT.

The Provincial Prior was pleased to receive the donation and thanked all at Temple Bruer Preceptory for their continued support of this very worthy cause. A further a donation of £134 was made via the Jerusalem Eye Hospital Gift Aid envelopes at the Festive Board.


The Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Malcolm Bilton KCT receiving a cheque for £300
from E.Kt John Hudson (right), with the Immediate Past Preceptor, E.Kt Mike Leonard (centre).


Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 7th October 2023.

Over 200 Knights, Ladies and guests attended the Annual Church Service in the Angel Choir at Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 7th October.

Following the Church Service, the Provincial Prior R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. proceeded to open Provincial Priory in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral at 11:00am and welcomed honoured guests, Heads of Orders, and all Knights in attendance.

Other highlights of the Provincial Meeting included the following: -

The R E Provincial Prior presented a cheque to the Dean of Lincoln Cathedral in the amount of £1,000.

The R E Provincial Prior invested his active officers for 2023-24 and those receiving past rank. He then swore in the Provincial Bodyguard for 2023-24.

A copy of the R E Provincial Prior's 2023 Adress is attached and be read by depressing the link below.

Provincial Prior's Address 2023(PDF Format)

Following the Provincial Meeting, 150 dined at the Lincoln Hotel, made up of some 90 Lincolnshire Knights and ladies, plus 60 honoured guests and ladies. They came from as far afield as Durham and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

A few of the many pictures taken on the day by E Kt Bruce Goodman. Photo1 Photo2 Photo2 Photo2 Photo2 Photo2

Large Attendance at Bodyguard Summertime Supper

On Sunday 13th August 2023, Louth Masonic Hall was the venue for the Bodyguard’s Summertime Supper. Over seventy Knights, Ladies and friends enjoyed a superb 3 course meal, organised by the Provincial Bodyguard Registrar, E Kt Ivor Hallam and Deputy Registrar Designate, Kt Mark Driffill.

By 6.30pm the volunteer bar staff, E Kt Ian Castledine and W Bro Les Darby were kept busy with everyone ordering their drinks and awaiting the dinner gong to be called in to dine. Charlotte Watson and staff provided us all with their usual very high standard of culinary delights. The Dining Room was buzzing with friends old and new enjoying the occasion.

V E Kt Terry Aldridge gave a blessing and thanks for our food. Kt Mark Driffill acted as Master of Ceremonies. To the delight of everyone and surprise to a couple, E Kt Brian Connor presented E Kt James Starkey and wife Melanie with a card and gift from everyone in celebration of their 46th Wedding Anniversary. Jim thanked everyone for such a kind gesture.

To round off a superb evening, Kt Mark Driffill presented Sub-Prior V E Kt Mike Carter with £172.00, being the profit from the evening. Mike thanked Ivor and Mark. The monies will go to the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group. He concluded the formal part of the evening by saying that Provincial Prior, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, being unable to attend, sent his very best wishes to everyone. He thanks the retiring members of his Bodyguard for the outstanding contribution they have made and he welcomes the new Knights of the Bodyguard, who will be sworn-In at Provincial Priory on Saturday 7th October. Mike wished everyone a safe journey home and hoped all their holiday arrangements for the year were blessed with good health and fine weather.

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Melanie and Jim Starkey - celebrating their 46th Wedding Anniversary.

*** C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ***

Lincolnshire Knights support the 2025 Craft Festival

Friday 11th August was a glorious summer’s day, and several Lincolnshire Knights attended the Annual Flying Day at Trent Valley Gliding Club, based at Kirton Lindsey. Our Provincial Sub-Prior, V E Kt Mike Carter was the first to enjoy this exhilarating experience. 0 to 60mph in 3 seconds took him soaring to 5000 feet over Scampton and other villages.

Next up was E Kt Steve Roberts of Heneage Preceptory 301. Conditions allowed him to take control of the flight for a short while. Another tick on his bucket list.

E Kt Nick Probert, Preceptor of All Saints Preceptory 320 chose a powered flight. He too was allowed to take control. However, after hitting turbulence, he was pleased to hand the joystick back to the pilot.

E Kt David Bird of Sutcliffe Preceptory 190 arrived in style, followed by several other Knights and families throughout the day. The event, organised by Scunthorpe Freemason, Dave Gibson, raised over £1000.00 for the 2025 Festival. Provincial Prior, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton was unable to attend but sent thanks to those who could and commented that he was delighted that the Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire had supported the Festival.


V E Kt Mike Carter and E Kt Steve Roberts.


V E Kt Mike Carter and glider pilot.

Knight Joseph Odiaka Nwokobia


Knight Joseph Odiaka Nwokobia, a member of St Paul’s Preceptory No.466, who has graduated as Doctor of Business Studies at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

Having gained many qualifications, he is now Dr Joseph Odiaka Nwokobia. BA(Hons), MA, LLM, MSc (Oxford), Associate Fellow Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

I am sure everyone in St Paul’s Preceptory and the Province will join our Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Malcolm Bilton K.C.T., in sending hearty congratulations to Joseph.

Eminent Knight Walter Beard

On Saturday 24th June 2023 Eminent Knight Walter Beard celebrated his one hundredth birthday. He enjoyed a wonderful day, with many friends visiting him at his home at Maple Court, Boston.

Not wishing to overwhelm Walter on his actual big day, our Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Malcolm Bilton and Eminent Knight Chris Bradley visited him the following Thursday. Walter was delighted to see them and spent over an hour reminiscing about his life in Freemasonry and private life.

Walter was Installed as a Knight in Carmelite Preceptory No349 on 6th March 1984. He was Eminent Preceptor from 6th October 1998 to 5th October 1999.

He joined Chapter House Preceptory 609 on 2nd July 1999 and was Eminent Preceptor from 11th January 2006 to 10th January 2007.

The Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Gordon Walkerley Smith appointed and invested him as Provincial 1st Constable in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral on 3rd October 2009.

Walter held several offices in Carmelite Preceptory and for many years he was Almoner.

He was made an Honorary member of Carmelite Preceptory on 7th March 2023.

I’m sure everyone will join the Right Eminent Provincial Prior in wishing Walter a happy and healthy Centenary and future years.


(l to r)

E Kt Walter Beard and E Kt Reg. Brittan, taken on 12th February 2007.

St Paul’s Preceptory No466

At St Paul’s Preceptory No466, on Friday 9th June 2023, Companion David Abbott was Installed as a Knight.

David moved from Bedfordshire to Skegness over two years ago, to be nearer his family in Lincoln. He quickly became involved in Lincolnshire Freemasonry and joined Lumley Lodge, Lumley R A Chapter, Candleshoe Rose Croix and other Degrees beyond the Craft. He actually bought the house previously owned by V E Kt Robert Spencer Parsons P.Gt.Reg, who moved to Suffolk to be near his family.

Two Eminent Knights, S P Barter and S Cheal , travelled from David’s home Province to support him and perform ritual during his ceremony of Installation as a Knight.

Everyone congratulated David on joining our wonderful Christian Order. At the Festive Board, regular visitor, E Kt Steve Swaby P.Prov.Her responded on behalf of the visitors. He congratulated everyone who took part in the ceremony and thanked his fellow visitors for taking the time to travel long distances to support David.

E Kt Roger Hansard, the Preceptor, concluded the evening by thanking the Marshal, E Kt Keith Appleton, for all his hard work in making the proceedings run smoothly. He also thanked the caterers for an excellent meal and the Stewards for serving. Roger wished everyone a safe journey home and an enjoyable weekend.


(l to r)

E Kt S Cheal. V E Kt M Carter. Preceptor, E Kt J R Hansard. Kt D A P Abbott. E Kt S P Barter.

All Saints Preceptory No320

On Monday 6th June 2023 many members and several visitors attended All Saints Preceptory No320 to hear the presentation by E Kt Rev’d Niall Johnston Dep.Gt.Alm.

For many years E Kt Rev’d Johnston has organised Pilgrimages to the Holy Land. The Pilgrimage in 2024 will be linked with the Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire.

(see below for links to documents and details)

2024 Pilgrimage Poster
2024 Pilgrimage Brochure
2024 Pilgrimage Registration Form

His very interesting and informative presentation was well-received by all. He highlighted the important role Knights Templar play in the upkeep of the work carried out medical staff and all workers at St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. Eye and sight problems are ten times higher in that part of the world than in western countries. Without the tireless efforts of those who treat patients from all religions and ethnic backgrounds, many would lose their sight. On conclusion of the presentation, the Preceptory pledged a donation to the SJOJEHG. The Preceptor, E Kt Nick Probert thanked E Kt Rev’d Johnston for such an interesting and, at times poignant talk. E Kt Rev’d Johnston thanked the Preceptory for their generous donation.

After the formal proceedings, everyone retired to the banqueting Suite for a superb Festive Board.


(l to r)

The Sub-Prior, V E Kt Michael Carter, All Saints Preceptor, E Kt Nick Probert and E Kt Rev’d Niall Johnston Dep.Gt.Alm.


On Friday 19th May 2023, St Paul’s Priory of Malta was honoured by the presence of the Provincial Prior, R E Kt Malcolm F Bilton K.C.T., the Provincial Prelate V E Kt Leslie G T Retford, the Provincial 1st Constable, E Kt Adrian C F Moseley, the Provincial Warden of Regalia, E Kt Ivor J Hallam and the Past Provincial Sub-Prior, V E Kt Terence F Aldridge.

The occasion was to Dedicate the new Priory Standards, kindly donated by E Kt Keith E Appleton Past Provincial Herald. The Eminent Prior, Kt J R Hansard invited the R E Provincial Prior to be the Dedicating Officer. He then requested E Kt Moseley to act as Provincial Marshal during the Dedication ceremony and asked V E Kt Retford to continue his duties as Provincial Prelate. E Kt Hallam continued to act as Captain of Outposts.

The R E Provincial Prior gave a very eloquent explanation of the history and importance of Standards and Banners; after which the Standards were unfurled, paraded, and duly Dedicated. The Eminent Prior thanked everyone who took part in this important and significant occasion in the history of St Paul’s, offering special thanks to R E Kt M F Bilton, V E Kt L G T Retford, E Kts K E Appleton and A C F Moseley.

The evening continued with V E Kt Michael Carter conducting the Ceremony to Install Kts R M Avison, P J D Banks and M R Booth. A fine Festive Board concluded a very happy evening in the company of our Christian Knights Templar.


(l to r) E Kt Adrian Moseley, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton K.C.T., E Kt Roger Hansard and V E Kt Leslie Retford and E Kt Keith Appleton

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On Wednesday 17th May 2023 several Lincolnshire Knights travelled to London to attend the annual meeting of Great Priory. As always, it was a truly spectacular and international occasion, with members travelling from as far as Peru to attend.

Three Lincolnshire Knights received appointments in Great Priory.

V E Kt Timothy George Kelsey received promotion to Past 2nd Great Constable.

E Kt Michael Carter, The Provincial Sub-Prior, received a promotion to Past Great Registrar.

E Kt Bruce Michael Goodman received first appointment to Past Great Aide-de Camp.


(l to r) E Kt Bruce Michael Goodman and The Provincial Sub-Prior, E Kt Michael Carter.


Friday 28th April 2023 was a special day at St Paul’s Preceptory No.466. The Preceptory was honoured by the presence of the Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Provincial Sub-Prior and Past Provincial Sub-Prior, along with many guests including the Provincial 1st and 2nd Constables who had travelled long distances to attend and take part in the ceremony of Installation.

Sadly, the Installing Preceptor, E Kt Steve Pickwell was unable to attend due to poor health. However, the Provincial Sub-Prior E Kt Mike Carter, a member of St Paul’s Preceptory, stepped up to the challenge and had the honour of Installing Kt Roger Hansard as Eminent Preceptor.

The Provincial Sub-Prior E Kt Mike Carter said it was an honour to do so and, as Roger’s proposer into St Paul’s, wished him a happy and successful year. At the conclusion of the Installation, the Provincial Sub-Prior E Kt Mike Carter presented Roger Hansard with a Preceptor’s Sword, the blade emblazoned with Masonic and Knights Templar symbols.

The Preceptory members and guests were delighted to welcome E Kt Noel Riley PProv1stCons. It was his first attendance after celebrating his 90th Birthday last November. Noel is still very active in all his Freemasonry and the Eminent Preceptor congratulated him on his long and distinguished Masonic career.

The evening concluded with a superb Festive Board and everyone went home having experienced a wonderful Masonic and Christian evening.


(l to r) R E Kt Malcolm Bilton K.C.T., E Kt Noel Riley, E Kt Roger Hansard and E Kt Mike Carter


At the next meeting of Great Priory, to be held in London on Wednesday 17 May, three of our Brother Knights from this Province will receive honours from the Grand Master. They are :

V.E.Kt. Tim Kelsey – promotion to Past Great 2nd Constable

E.Kt. Mike Carter – promotion to Past Great Registrar

E.Kt. Bruce Goodman – first appointment to Past Great A.-de-C.

The Prov. Prior is delighted they have all received this recognition for the tremendous contribution that each has made to our Order. No doubt everyone will wish to join with him in offering congratulations and best wishes on their well-deserved preferment and hopefully we shall see a number of Knights attending from Lincolnshire to support them.


On Wednesday 1st March 2023 the Right Eminent Provincial Prior and his Officers attended Aslackby Preceptory No718. It was their first Installation meeting since Consecration of the Preceptory on Wednesday 2nd March 2022.

On this very special occasion, the Right Eminent Provincial Prior Dedicated the Preceptory Banner. All assembled Knights agreed that seeing the Banner unfurled and Dedicated with such skill and solemnity was a very moving experience.

E Kt Tim Cox, the Primus Preceptor Installed E Kt Adrian Moseley as Preceptor for the ensuing year. The Eminent Preceptor, then Installed his Officers and, after the remaining items on the Agenda, the Preceptory was closed, and a Priory of Malta was opened. E Kt Moseley was Installed as Eminent Prior. The Right Eminent Provincial Prior congratulated the Preceptory and members on their first year as a Preceptory in Lincolnshire and some members becoming Knights of Lincolnshire for the first time. The evening concluded with a fine Festive Board.


R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Provincial Prior), with members of his Provincial Team.


Aslackby Preceptory Members proudly displaying their new Banner


At a recent meeting of Heneage Preceptory of Knights Templar, Eminent Knight Stephen Roberts, the Intendant General for the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Mark Provincial Charity Steward, Very Eminent Knight Mick Stocker were delighted to receive a charity donation of £50 each from the Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight, Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. - the donations being made on behalf of the Lincolnshire Pre-loved Regalia. The money was raised by Ivor Hallam and Mark Driffill (not to forget their wives) who refurbish old regalia from all Masonic Orders and then resell to the brethren of the Province - the proceeds of which are then distributed to all the various Masonic Orders represented in Lincolnshire. It's most definitely a win-win situation with brethren being able to purchase good quality regalia at a decent price which in turn benefits a good number of charities.


(l to r) E Kt Stephen Roberts, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton K.C.T., E Kt Ivor Hallam and V E Kt Mick Stocker



On Tuesday 15th November a good number of Lincolnshire Knights of Malta travelled to London to attend the annual Great Priory of Malta meeting at Great Queen Street. The day got off to a good start by joining friends from other Provinces for a hearty breakfast in a nearby restaurant. Lincolnshire Knights receiving honours were V E Kt Barry Topliss, E Kt Steve Roberts and E Kt Alan Howitt. A flawless ceremony, performed by the Great Priory of Malta Officers, concluded the formal proceedings in the Grand Temple. Everyone then adjourned for Luncheon in the Connaught Rooms, after which a train journey home concluded a happy and enjoyable day.

A selection of photographs taken on the day.


The Provincial Prior, R Em Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. and The Provincial Sub-Prior E Kt Michael Carter.


The Provincial Prior, R Em Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T enjoying his Lunch with Lincolnshire Knights.


L to R: E Kt Terry Coffey, E Kt Bruce Goodman and E Kt Alan Howitt


Wednesday 5th October 2022

It was an historic evening in Aslackby Preceptory No.718 as their first candidate (Companion Andrew Downes) was installed as a Knight of the Order.


E Kt Tim Cox (Preceptor), Kt Andrew Downes (Candidate) and E Kt Adrian Moseley (Act. Marshal)


R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Provincial Prior), E Kt Tim Cox (Preceptor), Kt Andrew Downes (Candidate)
and E Kt Adrian Moseley (Acting Marshal)


R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Provincial Prior),
with his two new Provincial Constables
Provincial First Con. - E Kt Adrian Moseley -------------oOo------------- Provincial Second Con. - E Kt Tim Cox


Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 1st October 2022.

Over 200 attended the Annual Service in the Angel Choir at Lincoln Cathedral. 142 dined, which was made up of some 70 Lincolnshire Knights and ladies, plus 72 honoured guests and ladies. They came from as far afield as Durham and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Following the Service, the Provincial Prior R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. proceeded to open Provincial Priory in the Chapter House at Lincoln Cathedral at 11:00am on Saturday 1st October and welcomed the heads of orders and those Knights in attendance.

Other highlights of the meeting included the following: -

The R E Provincial Prior presented a cheque in the amount of £1,000 to Lincoln Cathedral.

The R E Provincial Prior invested his active officers for 2022-23 and those receiving past rank. He then swore in the Provincial Bodyguard for 2022-23.

The R E Provincial Prior then addressed the knights. There being no further Provincial Priory business, The R E Provincial Prior proceeded to close the 2022 Provincial Priory.

The Lincolnshire Knights and honoured guests then retired to the County Assembly Rooms to re-join their partners and enjoy a meal together. In short, it was remarked that it was one of the happiest and friendliest meetings of Provincial Priory in recent years.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.


(l to r) E Kt Keith Appleton, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Provincial Prior of Lincolnshire) and E Kt David Bird.

On a baking hot day on Saturday 9 July 2022, E Kt Keith Appleton and E Kt David Bird, of the St Paul’s Preceptory 466 and Sutcliffe Preceptory 190 respectively, completed the White Peak Challenge Walk in the Derbyshire Peak District, which is a 26 mile circular walk that has to be completed in less that twelve hours. Their aim was to raise as much as possible through sponsorship for the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. The two Knights successfully completed the walk in 10 hours 7 minutes and raised a total of £1,100. The above photograph of the presentation of the cheque, taken in the Chapter House at Lincoln Cathedral at the Lincolnshire Provincial Priory on 1 October 2022.


(l to r) V E Kt Timothy Kelsey (Past Prov. Sub-Prior), E Kt Michael Carter (Prov. Sub-Prior), R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Prov. Prior), R E Kt Gordon Smith GCT, (Past Prov. Prior), E Kt Terry Aldridge (Past Prov. Sub-Prior)


The Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard looking resplendent in their regalia


The Malta delegation also looking resplendent in their Malta regalia


R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, K.C.T. (Provincial Prior)


Lincolnshire Knights seated just before the Cathedral Service commenced


Wednesday 18th May 2022

A good contingent of Lincolnshire Knights attended Great Priory on Wednesday 18th May 2022. It was a very special occasion in that, as well as two Lincolnshire Knights receiving first appointments, E Kt Alan Howitt, Great Warden of Regalia and E Kt Steve Roberts, Past Great Aide-de-Camp., and V E Kt Barry Topliss, who unfortunately was unable to attend, was promoted to Past Great Registrar. Our Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Malcolm Frederick Bilton was also honoured with being awarded Knight Commander of the United Orders of the Temple (KCT) . It was a wonderful occasion. Attendees came from all over the world. There were only two recipients for KCT, proving how well-respected by Great Priory is our Provincial Prior. A just reward for exceptional dedication and leadership in our Province.


E Kt Chris Bradley, Kt Martyn Wren and E Kt Alan Howitt


E Kt Mark Thornton (Prov Mar), R E Kt Malcolm Bilton (Prov Prior) and E Kt Terry Coffey.


E Kts Ray Wade and Steve Roberts.

The Right Eminent Provincial prior congratulates everyone on their preferment and thanks those Knights who attended to offer support.


On Wednesday 2nd March 2022 the Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Malcolm Frederick Bilton Consecrated Aslackby Preceptory No.718 at Bourne Masonic Centre, where the Preceptory meetings will be held.

Over 70 members and guests attended this wonderful occasion. All existing Lincolnshire Preceptories were well represented. Plus, four Provincial Priors from our neighbouring Provinces, along with some of their members.

The Installing Officer was the Provincial Sub-Prior, E Kt Michael Carter, Past Great Herald, who Installed the Primus Preceptor, E Kt Timothy Andrew Cox. A superb festive board concluded a wonderful day.


The Preceptory Founders.


The 1st Constable, the Provincial Prior, the Eminent Preceptor, the Provincial Sub-Prior and the 2nd Constable.


The Provincial Consecration Team.


Visiting Priors - Left to right:

Adrian Padmore (Leicester/Rutland), Jim Crossley (Notts), Malcolm Bilton (Lincs), Tim Dillon (N and E Yorks) and Hearl Lenton (W.Yorks).


Tuesday, 12th October 2021

E Kt Iain John Dean, the Deputy Provincial Marshal of Lincolnshire, attended the consecration of the Grand Master's Bodyguard Preceptory No.715 at Mark Masons Hall in London.

The consecration was conducted by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Paul Raymond Clements G.C.T. assisted by the Very High and Right Eminent Knight, Andrew Christopher Rainbow, G.C.T. the Great Seneschal.


The Grand Master, The Great Seneschal, with founders and joining members.


E Kt Iain John Dean, Lincolnshire Provincial Deputy Marshal, who is a founding member of the new Preceptory,
looking extremely proud and very pleased with himself.


Wednesday 24th November 2021

The Right Eminent Provincial Prior and his Officers made an official visit to Heneage Preceptory 301. It was a most enjoyable evening with a good attendance of members and visitors. At the Festive Board, the Right Eminent Provincial Prior was delighted to present cheques to two worthy causes.

E Kt Ivor Hallam and Kt Mark Driffill, having taken over the running of ‘Lincolnshire Pre-Loved Regalia’ sales from the late E Kt Mel Barrowcliffe, wished to donate £50.00 each to Very E Kt. Mick Stocker for The Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Association and E Kt Steve Roberts for the Red Cross of Constantine Grand Sovereign’s Children Fund. Both Knights thanked Ivor and Mark for the generous donation.


Very E Kt. Mick Stocker receiving £50.00 donation from the Provincial Prior for
The Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Association


E Kt Steve Roberts receiving £50.00 donation from the Provincial Prior for
The Red Cross of Constantine Grand Sovereign’s Children Fund


Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Three candidates from Lincolnshire were to receive honours, Chris Bradley, Terry Coffey and Mick Stocker but unfortunately, Mick Stocker, tested positive for Covid the day before so had to cancel his attendance. Those in the photographs below are picture in the Connaught Rooms, salivating at the thought of the banquet in prospect before them! Several other Knights attended from Lincolnshire – all of whom were obviously a bit camera-shy!



E Kt Chris Bradley, E Kt Mark Thornton, and E Kt Terry Coffey.


E Kt Chris Bradley, R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, the Provincial Prior, and E Kt Terry Coffey.


E Kt Terry Coffey contemplating in front of the Lincolnshire Window and The New Masonic Peace Memorial.


Affectionately known as the Lincolnshire Window

The new Masonic Peace Memorial, as it was called, was dedicated on 19 July 1933. The theme of the memorial window outside the Grand Temple was the attainment of peace through sacrifice. Its main feature was the figure of peace holding a model of the tower façade of the building. In the lower panels were shown fighting men, civilians and pilgrims ascending a winding staircase towards the angel of peace.

In June 1938, the Building Committee announced that a memorial shrine, to be designed by Walter Gilbert, would be placed under the memorial window. Its symbols portrayed peace and the attainment of eternal life. It took the form of a bronze casket resting on an ark among reeds, the boat indicative of a journey that had come to an end. In the centre of the front panel a relief showed the hand of God in which rested the soul of man. At the four corners stood pairs of winged seraphim with golden trumpets and across its front were gilded figures of Moses, Joshua, Solomon and St George.

In December 1914 Grand Lodge had begun to compile a Roll of Honour of all members who had died in the war. In June 1921, the roll was declared complete, listing 3,078 names, and was printed in book form. After completion of the memorial shrine, the Roll of Honour, with the addition of over 350 names, was displayed within it on a parchment roll.

The Roll of Honour was guarded by kneeling figures representing the four fighting services (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and Royal Flying Corps). By the time all these memorials were complete, the country was already in the midst of another war. Freemasons’ Hall continued to operate during that Second World War and survived largely undamaged so that it can be visited today.


The Provincial Prior, Rt.E.Kt. Malcolm Bilton, attended the meeting of Sutcliffe Preceptory on Thursday evening [28th October 2021] and during his visit he had the very great pleasure of presenting a certificate to Rt.E.Kt. Gordon Walkerley Smith GCT marking his 50 years of service in KT.

Rt.E.Kt. Gordon was installed into the Sutcliffe Preceptory on 28 July 1971 and has gone on to become one of its most distinguished members. As a holder of the rank of GCT – Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders – he is one of only 11 members within the jurisdiction of our Great Priory, which extends to almost 12,000 Knights, who currently have this rank.

The certificate was issued in the name of, and on behalf of, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master and signed by the Great Vice Chancellor, in recognition of Rt.E.Kt. Gordon’s outstanding dedication and commitment to our Order.

The presentation concluded with a standing ovation for Rt.E.Kt. Gordon. In response he expressed his delight in receiving the certificate and said how very much he had enjoyed his life and work in the Order, due in large part to the tremendous support he had received from all the Knights of the Province.


The Provincial Priory Rt.E.Kt. Malcolm Bilton, Rt.E.Kt. Gordon Walkerley Smith GCT, The Provincial Sub-Priory E.Kt. Michael Carter


Held at the County Assembly Rooms Lincoln
on Saturday 02nd October 2021.

Due to the uncertainty of holding public meetings because of covid 19, it was decided that the 2021 Provincial Priory Meeting would be held at the County Assembly Rooms, Bailgate, Lincoln, and restricted to Lincolnshire Knights. The Provincial Prior entered in procession and proceeded to open Provincial Priory at 11:00am on Saturday 02nd October and welcomed the heads of orders and those Knights in attendance.

After completing the necessary administrative business, the Provincial Prior went on to obligate and Install E Kt Michael Carter as the Sub-Prior of Lincolnshire. The Provincial Prior then invested his active officers for 2021-22 and those receiving past rank. He then swore in the Provincial Bodyguard for 2021-22.

The Provincial Prior then addressed the knights after which a collection was taken in aid of the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. There being no further Provincial Priory business, the Provincial Prior proceeded to close the 2021 Provincial Priory.

The Lincolnshire Knights then retired to the Trafalgar Room to enjoy a very satisfying meal. In short, it was remarked that it was one of the happiest and friendliest meetings of Provincial Priory in recent years.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.



To Appear on the Mark Masons’ Hall Website
Knight David Carter of Heneage Preceptory.

Kt David Carter

When I first was initiated into Freemasonry, Knights Templar was an Order that I aspired to join.

Having read numerous books, both fiction and non-fiction in relation to the history of the Knights Templar, the Order was of great interest and I felt should form an integral part of my Masonic journey. There are numerous attributes that make the Order unique, particularly the Regalia, the Ceremonies, and its Christian Values. Becoming a Knight of the Order is a genuinely humbling experience, it inspires honesty, integrity and charity and like the emblem of the Templar’s - ‘Two Knights seated on a single horse’ reminds us to look after our fellow Knights both inside and outside of the Preceptory.

There are many things that are both enjoyable and rewarding about the Order but to me, what stands out above all else, is the interaction with the public: something rarely seen in other Orders. Lincolnshire Province, of which I am a member, holds a Cathedral Family Service along with the Provincial Priory every October at Lincoln Cathedral. The service is open to the general public and attracts visitors from all over the globe.

The pageantry, splendour and particularly the regalia worn by the Brother Knights creates a sense of occasion that is both inspiring and uplifting and received by the public in a very positive manner.

What many Brethren of the Craft may not realise, is that they do not have to be invited to join the Order. If they are interested in becoming a member, are of good standing and are of the Christian Faith, they are welcome to join.

A question I am often asked why I joined Knights Templar. The answer is simple… By upholding the values of the Order and having a belief in the Christian Faith you cannot fail in becoming a better member of society.

I would sum up the Order by referring to the inscription on the ‘Baucent’, the War Flag of the Knights Templar – ‘Non Noblis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine tuo da gloriam’ which translates as – ‘Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name, give thy glory’.


Mike Bull with Dr Ahmad Ma'ali

Eminent Knight Michael Bull and his wife (Liz) have just returned from a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. During their time in Jerusalem they visited the Jerusalem Eye Hospital and received a Presentation from Dr Ahmad Ma'ali the Chief Executive Officer which has been sent to us on the Link below. Michael would like to share the Presentation with us all.

For more information and details of the Presentation depress link below:-

Jerusalem Eye Hospital Presentation.



Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.) presided over Great Priory of Malta on Tuesday 19th November 2019. Lincolnshire was well represented and honoured by one Promotion and two First Appointments in Great Priory.

The following Lincolnshire Knights were honoured with a Promotion and First Appointments in Great Priory.

E Knight Derek Perkins to Past Great Second Lieutenant

E Knight E Kt Mike Bull to Past Great Baillie
E Knight E Kt Colin Henson to Past Great Baillie

The above promotion and first appointments, determined on merit, are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.). All the above have served their Preceptories and Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years, the appointments are very well deserved.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by Kt. Bob Smith.


The Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Malcolm Bilton looking very happy and enthusiastic just before joining the parade into Great Priory


Eminent Knight Reginald Brittan - found a good seat once again - relaxing before the opening of Great Priory


Eminent Knight Terry Little and Knights John Wearing, Michael Clay, Ian Taylor and a very good
side view of Eminent Knight Ray Wade before the opening of Great Priory


Front row: Very Eminent Knight Leslie Retford, the Provincial Prelate, in deep contemplation.
The row behind R to L: Eminent Knight Keith Appleton, Knight Adrian Joyce and Eminent Knight Steve Swaby.


Record attendance at the Provincial Priory meeting and Church Service held in
Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 05th October 2019.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.


A selection of photographs taken at the Festive Board by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.


~~~~ FOOTNOTE ~~~~

While the Knights were occupied with the Provincial Meeting, the ladies were entertained by Mr Ian Maber.
His talk entitled 'Only in India’ was a light-hearted look at life in India through the eyes of a Westerner.


Wednesday 26th June 2019

Revd. Andrew Vaughan, Malcolm Bilton and Elizabeth Bilton

The Provincial Prior, R.E. Kt Malcolm Bilton and his wife Elizabeth, accompanied by Ladies, Knights and guests, enjoyed a very pleasant evening together on Wednesday 26th June 2019.

The occasion was a Provincial visit to All Saints Church, Eagle to attend Evening Prayers conducted by the Revd. Andrew Vaughan of Eagle Church, who extended, to a full church, a very warm welcome to the Provincial Knights of Lincolnshire and their Ladies.

The service was opened with the hymn 'Praise my soul the King of Heaven', followed by Psalm 84 and readings; Isaiah 35 1-10 read by the Provincial Sub-Prior and Ephesians 6 10-20 read by the Provincial Prior.

Following the Apostles Creed, hymn 353 was sung with great gusto 'Onward Christian Soldiers' followed by a thought-provoking sermon by Lt. Col Leslie G.T. Retford.

The service ended with the singing of - 'For all the Saints' while the collection was taken.

Immediately following the Service all retired to the Village Hall for an superb Supper consisting of Soup, Ham and Turkey Salad with Pork Pie and hot Potatoes, followed by a choice of either Trifle or Apple pie and cream. If you thought that was it, you would be wrong, the wonderful ladies and gentlemen of Eagle certainly know how to look after their guests - for then followed a Cheese Board selection with Coffee or Tea all finished off with a mint chocolate.

Throughout the meal, excellent wines were served, Cabernet Shiraz (Red) wine of South Africa and McGuigan Estate Chardonnay (white), South Africa

Following the meal, the Provincial Prior was pleased to present a further cheque to the Revd. Andrew Vaughan to help fund the church roof repairs following lead being stripped from the roof.

Below is a number of photographs of this very happy occasion taken by Kt Bob Smith.



Tuesday 21 May 2019.



The Provincial Prior of Lincolnshire, Malcolm Bilton, presenting a cheque for £500.00 from the Provincial KT 200 Club account, to Revd. Andrew Vaughan of Eagle Church, to help fund the restoration and repair of All Saints Church, after lead had been stripped from the roof.

Wednesday 15 May 2019.



E Kt Mike Bull, Temple Bruer Preceptory 143, First appointment - Past Great Aide-de-Camp.
E Kt Colin Henson, Heneage Preceptory 301, First appointment - Past Great Aide-de-Camp.
E Kt Derek Perkins, Provincial Marshal, Heneage Preceptory 301, Promotion to - Past Great Herald.
E Kt Iain Dean, Carmelite Preceptory 349, Appointed to the Grand Master's Bodyguard.

The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved.



Pictured above: Three Lincolnshire Knights
left to right: Em Kt Michael Bull, R Em Kt Malcolm Bilton, Provincial Prior and E Kt Reginald Brittan,
standing before the Lincolnshire Window at Grand Lodge.



Pictured above: Two Lincolnshire Knights
left to right: V Em Kt Martin Levick and Em Kt Michael Carter, Provincial Vice-Chancellor.


Pictured above: Two Lincolnshire Knights
left to right: Em Kt Colin Henson and Em Kt Derek Perkins, Provincial Marshal.


E Kt Iain Dean is now officially a member of the Grand Master's Bodyguard,
having been on the waiting list and standing in for several years.

Photographs by Kt Robert (Bob) Smith.



Wednesday 15th May 2019. Great Priory of the Temple. Great Queen Street, London.
Four (4) of our Lincolnshire Knights have been honoured. Please support them.

The following four members of the Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire have been well rewarded for their hard work and dedication to our Order.

E Kt Mike Bull, Temple Bruer Preceptory 143, First appointment - Past Great Aide-de-Camp.
E Kt Colin Henson, Heneage Preceptory 301, First appointment - Past Great Aide-de-Camp.
E Kt Derek Perkins, Provincial Marshal, Heneage Preceptory 301, Promotion to - Past Great Herald.
E Kt Iain Dean, Carmelite Preceptory 349, Appointed to the Grand Master's Bodyguard.

We congratulate these Knights on their well-earned preferment.

For more information and details depress links below:-
Great Priory Announcement 2019.
Great Priory Registration and Dining Form 2019.

Wednesday 26th June 2019. Knights Templar Church Service, Eagle Church, Eagle Village near Lincoln.
commencing at 6.00pm, Supper to follow in the Village Hall.

For more information and details depress links below:-
Eagle Church Service Registration and Dining Form 2019 PDF Format.
Eagle Church Service Registration and Dining Form 2019 Word Format.

Saturday 5th October 2019. Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire. Lincoln Cathedral.

Tuesday 19th November 2019. Great Priory of Malta. Great Queen Street, London.

Saturday 3rd October 2020. Provincial Priory of Lincolnshire. Lincoln Cathedral.

E Kt Michael Carter, Provincial Vice Chancellor.



At the recent meeting of Temple Bruer Preceptory on Thursday March 7th 2019,
the Provincial Treasurer, E Knight Stephen Hallberg, conducted the KT 200 Club Draw.

1st Prize £200.00. E Kt R O Wall, (recently resigned due to poor health). Heneage 301.

2nd Prize £100.00. E Kt T Clingan, Carmelite 349.

3rd Prize £050.00. Kt A J Joyce, Sutcliffe 190.

Our congratulations to them all.

There are still places available if you wish to support the KT 200 Club. £15.00 a year.
Please contact the Provincial Treasurer..




V.H. and R.E. Kt. Malcolm has served the office of Great Seneschal for almost thirteen years. Throughout that time, he has displayed a great dignity in discharging the duties of his office whilst his calm professionalism and approachability have been appreciated by all within the Order.

In January 2018, his charitable efforts were recognised by The Queen with appointment as an Officer of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.

At the meeting of Great Priory to be held on 15 May 2019, V.H. and R.E. Kt. Malcolm will retire from active office. He does so with the profound thanks of Great Priory not just for his service as Great Seneschal but also for his unstinting commitment and devotion to the Order over forty-five years. In consequence of V.H. and R.E. Kt. Malcom’s retirement, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master has been pleased to appoint R.E. Kt. Andrew Christopher Rainbow, K.C.T., Provincial Prior for Nottinghamshire, to be the next Great Seneschal – he will be invested at the Great Priory meeting in May.

We wish R.E. Kt. Andrew Rainbow every success in his new situation.

E Kt Michael Carter, Provincial Vice Chancellor.



At the recent Provincial meeting of Lincolnshire Centenary Daylight Preceptory 680,
the Provincial Treasurer, E Knight Stephen Hallberg, conducted the KT 200 Club Draw.

1st Prize £200.00. E Kt R O Wall (recently resigned due to poor health). Heneage 301.

2nd Prize £100.00. E Kt M J Stocker. Heneage 301 and Chapter House 609.

3rd Prize £050.00. E Kt K D B Lacey. All Saints 320.

Our congratulations to them all.

There are still places available if you wish to support the KT 200 Club. £15.00 a year.
Please contact the Provincial Treasurer..



Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.) presided over Great Priory of Malta on Tuesday 20 November 2018. Lincolnshire was well represented and honoured by Promotions and First Appointments in Great Priory.

The highlight of Great Priory, after calling off, was to receive a presentation by:


David Verity

David gave a detailed overview of the work carried out by the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, who treat patients regardless of ethnicity, religion or ability to pay. The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital is the only charitable provider of expert eye care in the region.

In his role as Hospitaller, David seeks to strengthen relations between the Hospital Group and all its supporters. He is also a strong advocate for the Group’s medical and nursing staff, working to increase their opportunities for training and research both regionally and internationally. He firmly believes that these are essential if the academic reputation is to grow, and to this end is bringing together colleagues across the world in support of St John under the aegis of the newly formed St John Ophthalmic Association. David thanked Great Priory and the members for their continued financial support.

Following his very informative presentation, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.), presented David with a cheque in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds to support their ongoing work and to demonstrate our continued support to the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

For more information about the the Hospital depress the link. St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital

After calling on, the following Lincolnshire Knights were honoured by Promotions and First Appointments in Great Priory.

V E Knight Martin Levick to Active Rank of Great First Lieutenant
E Knight Michael Carter to Past Great Second Lieutenant

E Knight Terry Little to Past Great Baillie
E Knight Melvyn Barrowcliffe to Past Great Turcopolier

The above promotions and appointments, determined on merit, are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.). All the above have served their Preceptories and Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years, the appointments are very well deserved.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by Kt. Bob Smith.


Knights Bob Smith, Mel Barrowcliffe and Ray Wade relaxing before the opening of Great Priory


Knights Mike Carter, Tim Kelsey, Terry Coffey and Terry Little relaxing before the opening of Great Priory


Knights Adrian Moseley, Terry Aldridge and Martin Levick relaxing before the opening of Great Priory


E Knight Reg. Brittan, standing in front of the Lincolnshire Window, examining the Memorial Shrine, commemorating the
3,225 brethren who died on active service in the First World War and in whose memory the building was constructed.


E Knight Iain Dean, practicing his sword drill before the opening of Great Priory


Excellent attendance at the Provincial Priory meeting and Church Service held in
Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 06th October 2018.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.


A selection of photographs taken at the Festive Board by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.


While the Knights were occupied with the Provincial Meeting, the ladies were entertained
by Mrs Sadie Hirst, Food Historian. Her talk was entitled ‘Down the Beaton Track’.
The photograph below is of her display when giving the presentation to the ladies.


Finally, caught in the act, the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, Michael Carter, polishing off his third Eton Mess
- Sadie (his daughter) took this photograph, for our enjoyment.


O what a wonderful day.


On Friday 7th Septenber 2018, Companion Joseph Odiaka Nwokobia and Companion Stewart James Buckingham were Installed as Knights in two separate ceremonies. This is the first Preceptory meeting in Lincolnshire where the ritual for Installing 2 candidates, as advised by the Great Marshal, was performed. E Kt John Winter acted as Marshal, ably assisted by E Kt Mark Thornton, Provincial Deputy Marshal.
The Right Eminent Provincial Prior and Very Eminent Provincial Sub-Prior congratulated everyone concerned on overseeing such a memorable evening.

From left to right
Kt J O Nwokobia; V E Kt T F Aldridge PGReg. Prov Sub-Prior; R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, The Provincial Prior for Lincolnshire; Kt S J Buckingham.

Photographs by Kt Robert (Bob) Smith.


On Friday 8th June 2018, Companion Gordon Cummings was Installed as a Knight of the Order in to St Paul's Preceptory 466.
Almost every officer was present to carry out their respective duties and ritual, ably lead by the Preceptor, E Kt Peter Tasker.
A warm and Knightly atmosphere pervaded throughout the evening and after the ceremony, everyone retired to the banqueting suite for a delicious Festive Board.

From left to right
E Kt M Carter PGHer, Kt G Cummings, V E Kt T F Aldridge PGReg. Prov Sub-Prior.


Lincolnshire was well represented at the Great Priory meeting held in,
London on Wednesday 16 May 2018.


Pictured are Lincolnshire Knights Templar who are also members of both the Craft and the Royal Arch Chapter, being the qualification to becoming a Templar, standing before The Lincolnshire window at Grand Lodge.

Not in the picture is Kt Robert (Bob) Smith who took the Photographs.



The occasion was the meeting of Great Priory at Great Queen Street at which left to right:

E Kt Terry Little, first appointment to Past Great Aide-de-Camp; E KT Martin Levick, promoted to Active Rank of Great Registrar; R E Kt Malcolm Bilton, The Provincial Prior for Lincolnshire; E Kt Melvyn Barrowcliffe, first appointment to Past Great Warden of Regalia; E Kt Michael Carter, promoted to Past Great Herald.

The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved. They will be appointed and invested at Great Priory on Wednesday 16th May at Great Queen Street and it is hoped as many as possible will be able to travel to London to support them.

Our congratulations to them all.


Terry Coffey, Timothy Kelsey (The Past Sub-Prior) and Reg Brittan found front row seats to enjoy the occasion.

Photographs by Kt Robert (Bob) Smith.


A meeting of St. Paul's Preceptory No. 466, at Skegness on Friday 27th April 2018
Photograph of The Right Eminent Provincial Prior with members of the Provincial Bodyguard

From left to right
Kt Ivor Hallam, Kt David Wilks, Kt Keith Appleton, Kt Malcolm Swinburn, R E Prov Prior, Kt Bernie Buck, Kt Mike Drury and Kt Phil Spicksley.
Kt David Carter also attended but is not in the photograph.

Photograph taken by Kt Bob Smith



Great Priory are pleased to announce the following Promotions and Appointments:

E KT Martin Levick (All Saints Preceptory No. 320) to Active Rank of Great Registrar
E Kt Michael Carter (St Paul's Preceptory No. 466) to Past Great Herald

E Kt Terry Little (Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great Aide-de-Camp
E Kt Melvyn Barrowcliffe (Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great Warden of Regalia


The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved. They will be appointed and invested at Great Priory on Wednesday 16th May at Great Queen Street and it is hoped as many as possible will be able to travel to London to support them.

Our congratulations to them all.


Members present and past of the Lincolnshire Knights Templar Bodyguard and their wives met at Horncastle Masonic Hall on Sunday 11th February 2018. 36 Knights and ladies enjoyed a sumptuous banquet, organised by the Provincial Bodyguard Registrar, Ivor Hallam.

Presentations made to Mrs Hilary Carter and the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

As coffee was being served, Kt Keith Appleton called attention to the Provincial Sub-Prior, V E Kt Terry Aldridge. Terry informed everyone that, today was Mrs Hilary Carter's birthday. He went on to give a most eloquent speech, saying that everyone here was constantly thinking of Hilary during her treatment and how delighted we were to see her looking so well. He then presented Hilary with a birthday card, signed by everyone and a Hebe in a hedgehog planter. Hilary thanked everyone for their good wishes and friendship.

Finally, the Bodyguard Commander, E KT Iain Dean presented the Sub-Prior with a £25.00 donation to the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by Kt. Bob Smith.

"Friendships are like gardens.
They blossom when nurtured."

"Good Food, Good Company and Wonderful Fellowship."


Excellent attendance at the Provincial Priory meeting and Church Service held in
Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 14th October 2017.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by E Kt. Bruce Goodman.




There will be a Great Priory Family Church service at Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday, 16 September 2017.

It will be followed by a Festive Board at the Lincoln Showground and promises to be a fabulous day for all of the family.
For further information depress the links below.

Information Letter
Dining Form


The Right Eminent Provincial Prior received a surprise gift for the Province
at All Saints Preceptory on Tuesday 6th June 2017.

Pictured are E Kt Mike Dennett P.G.Aide-de-Camp who presented him with a custom made case in which to carry the Provincial Sword. E Kt Dennett explained that he had been concerned for some time about our Provincial Sword Bearer having to transport our sword in a gun sling. In the present climate of increased terrorism in public places, he felt it much safer to have a bespoke carrying case. The Rt E Provincial Prior thanked E Kt Dennett for the very generous gift and stated that it would be used with pride by many Sword Bearers in years to come.


Rt E Kt M F Bilton and E Kt M J Dennett.


Lincolnshire was well represented at the Great Priory meeting held in,
London on Wednesday 18 May 2017.

Pictured are E Kt M J Dennett who received first appointment to Great Priory rank of Past Great Aide-de-Camp, V E Kt T F Aldridge who received promotion to Past Great Registrar, Rt E Kt M F Bilton Provincial Prior, E Kt R Wade who received promotion to the Active Rank of Great Standard Bearer (VB).


E Kt M J Dennett. V E Kt T F Aldridge. Rt E Kt M F Bilton. E Kt R Wade.



Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Timothy John Lewis G.C.T.) presided over the Great Priory of Malta on Tuesday 15 November 2016. Lincolnshire was honoured by two Malta Rank Promotions and two first Appointments:

V E Kt John Board (Sutcliffe Preceptory No. 190) to Past Great 1st Lieutenant
V E Kt John Hunt (Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great 1st Lieutenant

E Kt Graham Ives (Sutcliffe Preceptory No. 190) to Past Great Baillie
E Kt Reginald Brittan ( Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great Baillie

The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Timothy John Lewis G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved. They were appointed and invested at Great Priory rank on Wednesday 18th May 2016 at Great Queen Street, London.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by Kt. Bob Smith.


Mike Carter relaxing before the opening of Great Priory

TerryAldridge MikeCarter
Tim Kelsey, Past Sub-Prior and Iain Dean enjoying the occasion. Iain Dean and Mel Barrowcliffe also enjoying the occasion.


Excellent attendance at the Provincial Priory meeting held in
Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 1st October 2016.

A selection of photographs taken on the day by Kt. Bruce Goodman.




Lincolnshire was well represented at the Great Priory meeting held in,
London on Wednesday 18 May 2016.


Pictured are Lincolnshire Knights Templar who are also members of both the Craft and the Royal Arch, Chapter being the qualification to becoming a Templar, standing before The Lincolnshire window at Grand Lodge.

The occasion was the meeting of Great Priory at Great Queen Street at which E Kt John Board and E Kt John Hunt were promoted to Past Great Registar and became Very Eminent Knights. E Kt Graham Ives and E Kt Reginald Brittan were appointed to Past Great Aide-de-Camp.

Group2 Group3

Timothy Kelsey (Sub-Prior) and Brother Knights enjoying the occasion.

Photographs by Kt Robert (Bob) Smith.



Great Priory are pleased to announce the following Promotions and Appointments:

E Kt John Board (Sutcliffe Preceptory No. 190) to Past Great Registrar
E Kt John Hunt (Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great Registrar

E Kt Graham Ives (Sutcliffe Preceptory No. 190) to Past Great Aide-de-Camp
E Kt Reginald Brittan ( Temple Bruer Preceptory No. 143) to Past Great Aide-de-Camp


The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Timothy John Lewis G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved. They will be appointed and invested at Great Priory on Wednesday 18th May at Great Queen Street and it is hoped as many as possible will be able to travel to London to support them.

Our congratulations to them all.


Lincolnshire was well represented at the Great Priory meeting held in,
London on Wednesday 20 May 2015.

TerryAldridge MikeCarter
Timothy Kelsey (Sub-Prior) and Malcolm Forrest enjoying the occasion.
The Carmelite Preceptory contingent also enjoying the occasion.



Left to Right:
Michael Carter, David Richardson and Derek Perkins.


TerryAldridge MikeCarter
Michael Dennett, Terry Coffey,Timothy Kelsey and Malcolm Forrest. Malcolm Bilton (Provincial Prior) and Michael Carter.



Great Priory are pleased to announce the following Promotions and Appointment:

E Kt Rev. T.J. Walker (Sutcliffe Preceptory No. 190) reappointed to Dep. Great Almoner
E Kt David Richardson (St. Paul's Preceptory No. 466) promoted to Past Great Herald

E Kt Barry Topliss (Carmelite Preceptory No. 349) promoted to Past Great Herald
E Kt Michael Carter (St. Paul's Preceptory No. 466) Appointed to Active Rank of Great Captain of Guard

The above promotions and appointments are awarded by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master (Timothy John Lewis G.C.T.) and determined on merit. All the above have served their Preceptories and the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction over many years and the appointments are very well deserved. They will be appointed and invested at Great Priory on Wednesday 20th May at Great Queen Street and it is hoped as many as possible will be able to travel to London to support them.

Our congratulations to them all.


Sunday 1st February 2015 at Lincoln Masonic Centre


Left to Right:
E Kt Keith Lacey, Commander of the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard and
Mrs Lacey, talking to E Kt Michael Carter the past Commander.



E Kt Keith Lacey, the Commander thanking the catering manager of Lincoln Masonic Centre, Sue Lynes for providing
a splendid meal which they all enjoyed. This event being Sues last Sunday Lunch as she is departing for pastures new.



E Kt Keith Lacey, and his Deputy Kt Ian Dean, in discussion over their next meeting.



Saturday 4th October 2014


Left to Right:
Canon John Patrick, Sub Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, Rt. Em. Kt. Malcolm Bilton, Provincial Prior
and Elizabeth his wife relaxing following an excellent meal.




Saturday 4th October 2014

Dear Bro Knight

By command of the Right Eminent Provincial Prior, the Annual Church Service will take place at 10.30am in the Angel Choir, Lincoln Cathedral followed by a Chapter of Provincial Priory in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 4th October 2014 as soon as possible after 11.00am, under the Banner of the St Paul’s Preceptory No 466 when all Eminent Preceptors, Past Preceptors and Constables are hereby summoned to attend and all other Knights of Preceptories are invited to be present.

Done at Covenham St Bartholomew, the 1st day of September, AL 6014, AD 2014, AO 896

‡ T F Aldridge
Provincial Vice-Chancellor






Tuesday 8th July 2014


The Provincial Prior, R.E. Kt Malcolm Bilton and his wife Elizabeth, accompanied by Ladies and Knights, making a total of 67 enjoyed a very pleasant evening together on Tuesday 8th July 2014.

The occasion was a Provincial visit to All Saints Church, Eagle to attend Evening Prayers conducted by the Revd. George C. Goalby who extended, to a full church, a very warm welcome to the Provincial Knights of Lincolnshire and their Ladies.

The service was opened with the hymn 'Praise my soul the King of Heaven', followed by Psalm 84 and readings; Isaiah 35 1-10 read by the Provincial Sub-Prior and Ephesians 6 10-20 read by the Provincial Prior.

Following the Apostles Creed, hymn 353 was sung with great gusto 'Onward Christian Soldiers' followed by a thought-provoking sermon by the Revd John D.R. Spriggs.

The service ended with the singing of - 'For all the Saints' while the collection was taken.



Immediately following the Service all retired to the Village Hall for an excellent Supper consisting of Vegetable Soup, Ham and Turkey Salad with Pork Pie and hot Potatoes, followed by a choice of either Trifle or Apple pie and cream. If you thought that was it, you would be wrong, the ladies and gentlemen of Eagle certainly know how to look after their guests - for then followed a wonderful Cheese Board with Coffee or Tea all finished off with a mint chocolate.

Throughout the meal, excellent wines were served, Cabernet Shiraz (Red) wine of South Africa and McGuigan Estate Chardonnay (white), South Africa




Left: The Provincial Prior relaxing after consuming an excellent meal and enjoying a few precious moments with Elizabeth his wife.







E Kt Michael Carter (left) receiving an engraved whiskey decanter from the incoming Deputy Commander of the R.E. Prior's Bodyguard, Kt Iain Dean of the Carmelite Preceptory.

The engraved decanter was from the members of the R.E. Prior's Bodyguard who will be standing down following completion of their three year term in office at the Provincial Priory meeting in Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 4 October 2014.

The gift also marks E Kt Michael Carter's retirement (stepping down) after serving 6 years as the Deputy Commander and 5 years as the Commander of the R.E. Prior's Bodyguard; both appointments he served with distinction.


(The presentation took place prior to the Chapter House Preceptory Meeting on Friday 4 July 2014)






It is with profound regret and deep sadness that I report the death of V.E.Kt. Reginald Carroll Preston, Past Sub-Prior of Lincolnshire (2002 to 2012) who passed away quietly on 30th June at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby.

Carroll Preston was a delightful person and had a distinguished Masonic career which began on the 7th January 1965. He served the Province of Lincolnshire with great distinction and loyalty. He was Provincial Grand Secretary (Craft) for 6 years from 2004 to 2010 and held high office both in the Craft and in other Orders and Degrees.

Unfortunately, Carroll recently suffered a series of medical setbacks which he bore with courage and fortitude and still managed to retain a smile in the face of adversity. During this difficult time he received enormous support, with love and affection, from his wife Margaret and his family to whom our deepest sympathy is offered.

I am sure that many worthy tributes will be paid to Carroll’s cherished memory.

The funeral arrangements are as follows -
Date: Friday 11th July 2014
Time: 3pm
Place: Grimsby Crematorium, Weelsby Avenue, Grimsby DN32 0BA

The photograph [left] shows Carroll Preston, recently revisiting his old office at the Provincial Headquarters' in Grimsby and sharing a few moments with our Provincial Prior, R.E. Knight Malcolm Bilton.




The Lincolnshire Masonic Research Society hold their first field visit to Rothley Court,
Leicestershire on Tuesday 17 June 2014.

Rothley Court, Leicestershire

TerryAldridge MikeCarter
Rothley Court Hotel.
Rothley Court Preceptory Church.

The photograph below is of society members and their ladies who attended and enjoyed a wonderful luncheon in the Rothley Court Hotel adjoining the Preceptory Church.


Left to Right:
Linda and Des O'Neill, Vanessa and Terry Aldridge, Yvonne and Reg. Brittan,
Hilary and Michael Carter, Maggie and Alan Newton.

Rothley Preceptory was built around 1240 but siezed by The Crown in 1308. In 1313 it was used by The Military Order of St John of Jerusalem, The Knights Hospitaller. It was dissolved in 1540.

The Babington family occupied it from 1565 until 1845. Thomas Babington was a great friend of William Wilberforce and Rothley Court was where they met to write the Anti-Slavery Bill. A monument commemorating this is in the grounds. Thomas Babington became MP for Leicester and also High Sheriff of Leicestershire.

It is interesting to note that all the society members who attended the visit to Rothley Preceptory are Masonic Knights of the Order and either Great Priory or Provincial Priory Officers.

TerryAldridge MikeCarter
Terry Aldridge, Provincial Vice-Chancillor, pointing out an interesting feature to the members and Ladies on a wall tapestry. Michael Carter, Provincial Commander of the R.E. Provincial Prior's Bodyguard, taking his responsibilities very seriously.





Eagle Church

The Right Eminent Provincial Prior invites all Brother Knights and their Ladies to attend the Provincial Church Service at All Saints Church, Eagle on Tuesday 8th July at 6.30pm. Afterwards a meal will be available at Eagle Village Hall at a cost of £15.00 per person. Please note that The Eagle Church can only seat 110 and the capacity of the Village Hall for the meal is 80. Therefore, if you wish to attend, it is necessary to return the attached slip with a cheque (£15.00 per person) as soon as possible. This event is always very popular and there is likely to be a waiting list!!! Places will be allocated as slips and cheques are received – sorry no Email or telephone reservations. Knights will wear Regalia (no swords) – changing in the village hall which is small so please bring regalia in a smaller bag. Ladies to be seated in the central aisle in the Church and Knights either side.

6.30pm - Evensong at Eagle Church for Brother Knights and their Ladies (Regalia will be worn)

7.45pm - Meal at Eagle Village Hall for Brother Knights and their Ladies.

A Brief History of All Saints Church, Eagle)






The Provincial Prior, R.E. Knight Malcolm Bilton, congratulates the Immediate Past Preceptor of All Saints' Preceptory, Eminent Knight Keith Lacey, (Standing in for the Eminent Preceptor Knight Stuart Bellamy) for providing a wonderful and most enjoyable evening on the penultimate Team Visit of this Masonic Season to Gainsborough on Tuesday 3 June 2014.

The Provincial Team witnessed an excellent Malta Degree for two candidates which was and admirably performed by the Eminent Prior Stuart Bellamy.












Members of the Provincial Team enjoying the Festive Board following the ceremony.







Great Priory was held at Grand Lodge, Great Queen Street, London on Wednesday 21 May 2014. London being a change of venue from Birmingham in previous years.
Once again, Lincolnshire Knights turned out in force to support the Provincial Prior R.E. Knight Malcolm Bilton and Sub-Prior V.E. Knight Timothy Kelsey and also those Lincolnshire knights who were being honoured by Great Priory.

E Kt Rev Trevor John Walker (Sutcliffe) was re-appointed to Deputy Great Almoner
E Kt Derek Perkins (Heneage) is to continue as Active Great Aide-de-Camp

E Kt John Rowbottom (All Saints) from Past Great Aide-de-Camp to Past Great Herald
E Kt Richard Wynne (Heneage) from Past Deputy Great Sword Bearer to Past Great Herald
E Kt Gerald Forman (Temple Bruer) from Past Great Aide-de-Camp to Past Great Herald

First Appointments:
E Kt Desmond O’Neill (Wolds) to Past Great Aide-de-Camp

The meeting, in the opinion of those who attended, was a total success and the splendour of Grand Lodge enhanced the occasion. In short, It was described as simply a wonderful day out.

Great Priory 2014
Lincolnshire Knights, seated together, enjoying the meeting.





Sutcliffe Preceptory welcome the Past Sub-Prior, V.E. Knight Carroll Preston

On Thursday 15 May, the Provincial Prior, R.E. Knight Malcolm Bilton, accompanied by his Sub-Prior, V.E. Knight Timothy Kelsey and the Provincial Officers, visited Sutcliffe Preceptory at Grimsby. The evening was more especial by the attendance of the Past Provincial Prior, R.E. Knight Gordon Walkley Smith and his Sub-Prior, V.E. Knight Carroll Preston who now unfortunately attends his mother Preceptory infrequently due a life changing illness. Everyone present was delighted to see Carroll looking so well. It is a fact, that while Carroll finds it difficult to recognise people or communicate with them, it was clearly evident from the expressions on his face, he really enjoyed the evening.

The photograph [left] shows Carroll Preston, who was also the Past Provincial Grand Secretary for the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire, revisiting his old office and sharing a few moments with our Provincial Prior, R.E. Knight Malcolm Bilton.